Judy van Puyvelde loves to stay active, whether it’s with her family, community or the people she assists through volunteer work. When her husband, Gary, decided to turn one of their favorite pastimes, bowling, into a fundraising event for the Widows & Orphans charity, she was more than happy to jump on board. “In 2002, Gary had a fireman’s bowling league at Corbin Bowl … [Read more...] about Goodwill to Spare
Volunteer of the Month: Keenan Porche
Five years ago, Keenan Porche teamed up with Gary Montgomery to turn one of their favorite pastimes into a charity celebration. Keenan, a veteran firefighter of the LAFD, hoped to take his love of bowling and use it raise money for his dearest charity, the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemen's Fund. From their partnership, the LAFD Firefighters Bowling Benefit was born. … [Read more...] about Volunteer of the Month: Keenan Porche
April Volunteer of the Month: Gary Montgomery
While it's true that volunteering can be hard work, at times it can also be a lot of fun. Particularly when the work is combined with something you really enjoy. For Gary Montgomery, that comes in the form of a polished wood lane, ten wooden pins and a heavy ball. Gary has been the general manager of Corbin Bowl in Tarzana since 1999, but he's been bowling for much of his … [Read more...] about April Volunteer of the Month: Gary Montgomery