The mega-hit ABC television drama “9-1-1” explores the lives of Los Angeles’ first responders; firefighters, paramedics. police and dispatchers who cope with high-pressure situations on the job and off. Although the show is fiction, the writers, actors, and directors use their craft to portray real-life inspired emergency experiences. Watch as we take you behind-the-scenes of the world-wide fan favorite series “9-1-1.”
The script for season 8 of “9-1-1,” has Fire Captain Bobby Nash, played by actor Peter Krause, temporarily assigned outside the fire house, working on a television show. In this episode, Captain Nash is hired to be the technical advisor for a series about firefighters called Hotshots. Captain Nash is tasked with ensuring the actors on Hotshots talk and act just like real-life firefighters whether the script calls for fighting or responding to an emergency.
This is where art nearly imitates life! A real technical advisor, the man behind the scenes of “9-1-1” is Los Angeles City Fire Department (LAFD) Retired Battalion Chief, Michael Bowman. He has worked the past seven years on-set of “9-1-1,” instructing and guiding cast and crew to achieve believable, compelling television drama.
Authenticity Is Utmost
Before Michael, aka, Mike, retired from LAFD, the Fire Chief asked if he would be interested in embarking on a new career – in television! His job as “9-1-1” technical advisor is to help the show portray firefighters and first-responders as accurately and realistically as possible, while leaving room for Hollywood-level excitement. He draws from his decades of sworn duty with the LAFD, his real-life firefighting experience and training to achieve authenticity for every episode of “9-1-1.” Mike advises writers, actors and directors on the specific actions and techniques a firefighter would take to correctly respond to each scene. He recreates the protocols and vernacular for “9-1-1,” showing and telling them how real first responders would react while working for the City of Los Angeles.
Whether loading a patient into an ambulance or laying hoses, Mike pays close attention to convey to the 9-1-1 crew, up-to-date procedures including the correct terminology for calling into dispatch and the correct language and terms to use during an emergency scene.
Photos Courtesy of Michael Bowman
Dedication To The Details on the Set of “9-1-1”
Mike and the producers, writers, cast and crew of “9-1-1” strive for accuracy and mimic real-life situations as closely as possible. Without Mike’s attention to detail, any first responder or firefighter watching the show would quickly notice any missteps.
Actors like Ryan Guzman rely on the former battalion chief for guidance and how to approach an emergency scenario and respond to patients. Actor Kenny Choi is grateful for Mike’s input.
His experience and talent give life to the “9-1-1” characters and scenes. In the end, viewers can appreciate the heroic actions and sacrifices first responders from the Los Angeles City Fire Department perform every day.
By Shawna McLean